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Welcome, Friends of EtonHouse

EtonHouse Alumni is made up of former students, parents, and staff who have been a part of our journey. We invite you to join our alumni network which will help you reconnect with fellow friends or staff. This free platform provides an excellent way to engage with your former school community as well as add value to your professional life and community initiatives.

To join the community, please click either one of the buttons below.

Graduates of 2020 and after, please refer to this information sheet on how to claim your account.

Graduates before 2020
Graduates of 2020 and after

Hello from the Founder

When we started EtonHouse in 1995, I never imagined that we would come this far. Each of you who has been a part of this journey has brought to life our vision of shaping the future through education. 

I am so proud of you. I have met many of you outside of EtonHouse and you came up to me to share your fond memories in school. It makes me so happy that we have been a small part of your lives and your success. This is also the year that EtonHouse Singapore celebrated its first batch of IB Diploma students who will be starting their university journeys shortly. It is such a meaningful year to officially start the EtonHouse alumni which we are fondly calling Friends of EtonHouse.

The EtonHouse alumni is a wonderful platform to reconnect and relive those beautiful memories while also giving back to the community, which has always been our mission at EtonHouse. Other than connecting with your childhood friends, you will also be able to reach out to your teachers, who have played such an incredible role in your lives.  

There will be opportunities for reunion dinners, sports, volunteerism, and other community events. You can also share your success story and get inspired by others, mentor students, and profile good causes you support. And of course, if you are a parent, we would love to have your children join us. The alumni will also be an excellent way to network and build connections in your professional life. If you are keen to explore opportunities to give back to the less fortunate, the EtonHouse Community Fund, our charity, offers an excellent platform to connect directly with beneficiaries.

So join the EtonHouse alumni to continue your journey of excellence and reconnect with the global EtonHouse community of former students, staff and parents in Singapore and in the eleven countries that EtonHouse is present in. 

I look forward to meeting you soon.

-Mrs Ng Gim Choo

(Founder and Chairwoman of EtonHouse)

About EtonHouse

A trusted global brand with close to 3 decades of experience, we have a total of 100 schools across 9 countries, including 9 International Baccalaureate (IB) schools. The EtonHouse Group also runs E-Bridge, part of the Singapore government's Anchor Operator (AOP) Scheme that operates affordable Pre-Schools in Singapore, and Middleton International School, an affordable through-train international school.

In 2022, we commemorate our first batch of IB Diploma graduates in Singapore as they embark on their journey with renowned universities worldwide. We are committed to celebrating the success of our graduates, and we encourage our alumni to share your achievements with us.

Join The EtonHouse Alumni Network

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Be the first to be informed of the latest activities and reunions


Access job openings within the EtonHouse Group and admissions for family members


Develop professional contacts and share your success stories and be inspired by others


Avail mentorship and volunteerism opportunities to give back and make a difference

Be part of the founding committee

Stay in touch with your friends and teachers or use this chance to reconnect

Be part of the founding committee

Stay in touch with your friends and teachers or use this chance to reconnect
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